Exploring the Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives in Italian: QUESTO, QUELLO and CODESTO.
Welcome to our lesson dedicated to the demonstrative pronouns and adjectives in the Italian language.
We will explore three important concepts: questo, quello and codesto, fundamental for communicating clearly and precisely in everyday conversations.
QUESTO, demonstrative pronoun and adjective
Questo is used to indicate an object or a person that is close to the speaker or immediately relevant in the current context.
If we are showing some books:
“Questo libro è il mio, questo, invece, è di Paolo.
Forms of QUESTO
questo / a/ i / e
questo tavolo questi tavoli
questasedia queste sedie
quest’anno quest’estate
QUELLO, demonstrative pronoun and adjective
Quello is used to indicate an object or a person that is far from the speaker or not immediately relevant in the current context.
If we are indicating houses on the other side of the street:
Quella casa è molto grande, è a tre piani, quella invece, ha un piano solo.
Forms of QUELLO
quello / a/ i / e
It is declined as an article
quel tavolo quei tavoli
quella sedia quelle sedie
quello zaino quegli zaini
quell’albero quegli alberi
quell’isola quelle isole
CODESTO, demonstrative pronoun and adjective
Codesto is used to indicate an object or a person that is far from the speaker and close to the listener.
It is rarely used in modern Italian, found in formal or literary contexts and in Tuscany. In everyday language, it would be replaced by QUELLO.
For example, in an old novel, we might find:
Il funzionario si rivolse a Farini con solerzia: “Vi chiedo di considerare codesto documento con attenzione.” Indicando il fascicolo azzurro appena lasciato sulla scrivania del giudice, “Codesto, invece… – accennando timorosamente col capo alla cartellina di velluto rosso – “… Codesto, invece, è da considerarsi non valido!”
To master the correct use of demonstrative pronouns and adjectives, I advise you to practice regularly and observe how they are used in spoken and written Italian.
Reading authentic texts, listening to conversations, and doing practical exercises will help you consolidate your understanding and use these important elements of the Italian language effectively.